Sunday, September 25, 2011

Samsung Captivate on Rogers gets its Gingerbread update via Kies


If you're a Rogers customer and using a Samsung Captivate, this weekend would be a good time to hook it up to Kies -- there's an update to Android 2.3.3 waiting for you to grab and install.  Reports say that this one doesn't wipeout all your user data, but it does reset your homescreen(s) configuration, as well as improve Wifi reception and address the mass storage issues a few had with the Froyo update.  Sounds like an awesome tradeoff to me. 

Installation seems pretty painless, be sure you're running the latest version of Kies, then download and install the file.  It takes just a few minutes, and you're left with a Captivate that runs much nicer than it did yesterday.  If you run into any issues, sound out for help in the forums and lets the expert community get you on the right track.

Source: Mobilesyrup


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