Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Adobe releases Flash 10.1 to partners as content providers line up

Adobe releases Flash 10.1 to partners as content providers line up

Adobe Flash

Adobe today announced that it has released Flash 10.1 to its mobile platform partners. This includes Android, BlackBerry, webOS, future versions of Windows Phone, LiMo, MeeGo and Symbian OS.

Of course, we've been using Flash 10.1 in its beta form for a month now, on the early builds of Android 2.2. Flash 10.1 for Android will be made readily available as a free download once Froyo is released to the public. (Nope, still don't know when that will be. Sorry.) Adobe does mention a slew of devices that it expects to get Froyo, including the Dell Streak, Google Nexus One, HTC Evo, HTC Desire, HTC Incredible, DROID by Motorola, Motorola Milestone and Samsung Galaxy S. Hardly a surprising list, indeed.

What will you do once you have Flash? Check out the list of content providers Adobe already has lined up:

AgencyNet, AKQA, Armor Games, Blitz, CNET.com, HBO, JustinTV, Kongregate, Mochi Media, Msnbc Digital Network, Turner, Nickelodeon, Odopod, Photobucket, RAIN, Roundarch, Sony Pictures, South Park Studios, USA Network, Viacom, Warner Brothers

That's plenty of gaming and video goodness to go around. But what's all this mean for you right now? It's another step -- and a big one -- toward getting Flash 10.1 on your Android phone. But first we've got to get Froyo finished and shipped. Full presser after the break. [Adobe]

Posted originally at Android Central

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